SAGARA FINTECH ROUNDTABLE: How to Take Advantage of Digitalization Investment to Get Future Profits

Sagara Technology Idea Lab
5 min readAug 12, 2021


Sagara Fintech Roundtable Day 3 — Tuesday, July 6th, 2021- Sagara Technology held a Talk Show on Fintech by inviting C-levels who are experts in the fields of technology development from various existing fintech companies. The main discussion of the talk show is talking about managing our finances by investing in digital investment platforms for future profits. Starting from why investing in digital investment platforms is important, to differences between investing and saving, ways to start investing, as well as how to manage our finances. Therefore, this discussion aims to educate the public so that people are more sensitive to technological advances, so they can take advantage of the technology fintech development properly and wisely. The following are reviews from the speakers of the Sagara Fintech Roundtable.

Rieka Handayani, Head of Public Relation TokoCrypto

Fintech is a very interesting topic at the moment because fintech in Indonesia is experiencing very significant growth and is recorded at approx as many as 140 fintech companies registered with the OJK. As a technology-based financial service, customers need adjustments to get used to it with existing features. However, along with the development of the financial market, Fintech began to be in great demand by developed and developing countries such as Indonesia.

Tokocrypto builds a technology that not just for a crypto trading platform but wants to show that blockchain technology is under construction in Indonesia. The background of the investment platform can be accessed anywhere using a cellphone too, anytime 24/7 and with only Rp,50.000, you can start investing. Especially with the pandemic situation where we only at home, doing an online investment can be profitable.

“Investment is very important, especially now that there are many choices of investment types. A lot of millennials often spend money on lifestyle. Why not set aside money for investment and savings, especially at a young age. The investment objective is for the long term. Maybe, it will not be felt if it is still 4–6 months but in the next 2–5 years you will see the results.” said, Mrs. Rieka.

According to Mrs. Rieka, Saving is when we set aside funds. Usually, the funds for children’s schools, building houses, and others. While investing is useful for the long term where we set aside our assets and earn profits. At the time of managing finances, set aside everything in advance for every need.

When investing, it’s better to set aside money specifically for investment, it is best not to use daily needs money. The nominal for investment can be adjusted according to the situation, it won’t be a problem regardless of the amount as long as it is always routinely separated for investment and saving. Also, it is better to allocate lifestyle and entertainment costs for investment.

For now, in Indonesia crypto assets are still commodities or investment tools not like in El Salvador where the country has inaugurated crypto to become a medium of exchange, namely bitcoin. However, it is necessary to know the decision to make bitcoin the official medium of exchange in that country due to the applicable population where they see that there is an opportunity to make bitcoin as a medium of exchange. Mrs. Rieka concludes that “In Indonesia, it is also possible for crypto to become a medium of exchange. But first, an infrastructure must be built and regulations are needed because it is not that easy to make crypto as a medium of exchange. Many losses will occur if there is no proper preparation.”

Indra Sjuriah, CO Founder & CMO IndoGold

Investing can secure your financial condition in the future. However, you still have to consider what type of investment is the most suitable and profitable to run according to current financial conditions. If you want a safe investment with low risk, then the gold investment is the right choice. According to Mr. Indra, there is a world price for gold, in Indonesia, there is an exchange rate of rupiah against the US dollar where the price of a gold dollar per ounce must be converted again to rupiah per gram. Another uniqueness is the price of gold in Indonesia never goes down it always goes up.

There are various types of gold, ranging from coins, gold bars, and jewelry. At Indogold, 24 karat pure gold bars are included in the investment category where the production cost is much cheaper than jewelry. For the brand that IndoGold provides there are, Antam which belongs to state-owned enterprises (BUMN), and for private company Untung Bersama Sejahtera (UBS) which is the world’s gold exporter today.

Mr. Indra said that “We must ask ourselves how important it is to do investing, we also have to invest according to our financial stability and awareness. Investment is not something that is instant because the results will be visible at least the next 5 years at least 10 years. To invest, we must have a strong goal and determination because investing requires discipline to continue set aside the money for investment.”

Investment is a long-term goal where it is hoped that the investment results can benefit us, in contrast to saving where saving is used for the short term such as for an emergency fund where we can use it when needed. For investment, it is best not to use the necessary funds even though the market goes up or down, the money for investment is better set aside from the start.

In investing we must know each of the advantages and disadvantages of the product. For gold, the investment results will feel more profitable in the long term, 5 years and above, for 1 year or 2 the benefits won’t be felt significant. Mr, Indra also added that it is best to use the SMART method to make our goals clear and reachable. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.More Here



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