What Languages are Used for Front End Development?

Sagara Technology Idea Lab
4 min readJan 9, 2020


Languages Front End Development

The front-end is the section of the website you can immediately see and communicate with to obtain system backend capacities which means the user can see, and experience everything. Over the years, the role of a Web designer has dramatically changed, but its core functions remain the same.

Front-end deals with all the whistling and bells you see on the website, including the colorful photos, navigation menus, flashy buttons, etc. A front-end is also called “client-side” because this action takes place on the customer side which is the user in this case. The code is not handled by a web developer. In reality, it covers all aspects of redesigning and building websites, which are visually attractive and user-friendly. The role of a front-end developer is for the user to create an environment with a combination of various tools, including such as JavaScript, HyperText markup language and CSS. Now we will move ahead with front-end language.

Read more: The Basic of Front End Development Process

The following is the front end language, which is as follows:

1. HTML language

Hypertext Markup Language we normally called HTML. HTML is used for creating digital records on the World Wide Web. A number of links to other websites are provided on each page. Each web page you view on the Internet is published in one or another HTML variant. HTML code ensures that the images and text are properly formatted so your internet browser can display them to look for, Without HTML, a browser would not be able to display text as items or load images. HTML also provides a basic page structure, where cascading style sheets are superimposed to modify their appearance. A website is a document that is generally written in HTML and translated through a web browser. By entering a URL, you can identify a web page. The static or dynamic web page may be. We can generate static web pages by using HTML. We will see the attributes in HTML such as documents, tags, buttons, lists, etc.

All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration:

<!DOCTYPE html>.

The HTML document starts from <html>and ends with </html>. The part which we want to display on the website is declared in the HTML document is between <body> and </body>. In HTML, headings are defined using the <h1> to <h6> tags. Where <h1> represents largest heading and <h6> represents smallest heading.

<h1>This is heading with h1 </h1>
<h2>This is heading with h2 </h2>
<h6>This is heading with h6</h6>

2. Javascript language

JavaScript is a programming language. It is lightweight and most frequently used as part of internet pages, whose implementations enable client-side scripting to communicate with and create dynamic websites. JavaScript was first named LiveScript, but it was probably due to the enthusiasm Java created, that Netscape changes its name to JavaScript. JavaScript first appeared in 1995 with the LiveScript name in Netscape 2.0. The HyperText Transportation Protocol, or HTTP, is designed to transmit HTML text through a network for viewing, exactly as it is called. However, it is completely static with HTML and does not provide the ability to implement logic. If the computer runs JavaScript, the browser is separated. JavaScript sandbox is used as an added safety measure by browsers like Chrome and Edge. JavaScript is unable to write or read from a hard drive or other computer-connected storage devices.

You can see this small example of how JavaScript code looks like.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Hello EDUCBA</h2>
<p id=”demo”>EDUCBA Can Make your Future Bright.</p>
<button type=”button” onclick=’document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = “Hello Server!”’>Click Me!</button>

3. C++ Language

C++ is one of the best front end programming languages. C++ is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. This language is also known for the extension of C i.e. the next version of C++ language. C++ used for many purposes like game development, application development, operating system, animation, etc. This language is easy to learn. This feature of C++ makes it popular in the market. C++ is the basic language for all languages. C++ language has a rich set of libraries.

Program to display “Hello World”
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;
Int main()
Return 0;

Read more: The Fundamentals of Front End and Back End Development

4. CSS language

CSS Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. You can control the color, column size and color designs, paragraph spacing, font style, background images or colors, layout designs and display variations of different devices, screen sizes or other effects with the use of CSS. CSS is simple to know and comprehend, but it controls the presentation of HTML documents. CSS is usually paired with HTML or XHTML markup languages. You don’t need HTML tag characteristics to write each time if you use CSS. Simply write a CSS tag rule and use it for all events of the tag. Through less code, download times are quicker. For more than one device type, style sheets allow content optimization. Various website versions for handheld devices, such as PDAs, cell phones or for printing, can be presented with the same HTML document.

You can see this small example of how CSS code looks like


<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type = “text/css” media = “all”>
body {
background-color: white;
h1 {
color: green;
margin-left: 30px;
<p>Welcome to EDUCBA</p>

In this article, we have seen different types of Front End Languages along with their syntax. Which will help you to understand better and will be much more convenient to go through these topics.





Sagara Technology Idea Lab
Sagara Technology Idea Lab

Written by Sagara Technology Idea Lab

Sagara is one of the leading software house based in Jakarta. We do digital product development, digital marketing, and workshops. Visit sagaratechnology.com.

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